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  • in reply to: Dictaphone or App (Inventorybase)? #8325

      Hi Vanessa,

      Would be interested in discussing the possibility of you doing some freelance work for us – we use Inventorybase.

      Please call Assist Inventories on 0203 322 6662 or email

      Thank you!

      in reply to: Can you charge tenants for cancellation fees? #7052

        Hi Bruce,

        I’ve tried numerous different methods at numerous different times to get agents to sign supplier agreements for the exact reasons you mention, but with little success – I’ve got literally 2 i think over the years and one of them has since sold his company but for reasons too long to explain here the contract couldn’t be carried over… that’s my experience of it anyway, would love to hear if anyone has been successful at this but the thing is that agents just don’t want to be tied in, because they know they don’t have to be.

        In terms of selling the company, this is still possible, i have bought another inventory company before and very successfully merged it into my inventory business.

        in reply to: Can you charge tenants for cancellation fees? #7033

          Thank you all so much for your comments, much appreciated.

          InventoryBase recently did a good podcast about us providers and how agents ‘treat’ us came about in conversation. They all felt the same way with how much is expected, agents telling us how much to charge, unacceptable late payments etc etc. There was talk of banding together and doing something about it but its very difficult because if you dont comply with what agents want, they simply go elsewhere. We are simply not valued as a service and maybe that’s where we start to be able to make a change.

          Supplier agreements were discussed that both sides adhere to but very unlikely agents would agree to any terms at all.

          Food for thought!

          in reply to: Worth money? #5282

            As Bruce says it is worth something. I have looked into this quite a bit before and the way to do it is through an ‘earn out’. You basically have an agreement drawn up with the buyer that they will pay you an agreed amount of the turnover each month for an agreed amount of months. This is the basics of it. The buyer has as much interest in keeping the business going to its full potential as you do (you want the maximum price and they want to make it work as they have put their time and effort into it, paid legal fee’s and effectively work for nothing or little profit until the earn out period ends. I have sold a similar company in this way and it worked well, just manage the earn out well by making sure your clients know what is happening and you are there for support during the earn out period.

            The fact that inventory companies do not have contracts with the clients means that a lump sum up front for the sale of the business is impossible – lets say the day after you sell it all your clients decide they don’t want to deal with the new owner and go elsewhere. Granted its unlikely they would all do this but who wants to risk parting with a sum of money when this could happen.

            in reply to: Experienced London Inventory Clerk-Has availability #5193

              Hey Yasmin,

              If you are still looking for some extra jobs, I just posted here about a vacancy we have

              in reply to: Tenant Fee Ban #4874

                Stef, I did read this the other day too and its a great point. This is where the uncertainty comes from in my opinion – the above article is correct, my overview of all of the above is that the landlord has to pay for it, therefore rents will rise, in theory. But, not all landlords will want to pay for it in the hope that they can increase rents slightly in the following months to recoup costs so some just wont bother, others will look for the cheapest possible option; leaving just the savvy ones using ‘proper’ inventory companies. I think because of this we may see a drop in business but over time this will just reflect the importance of a proper inventory report even more.

                in reply to: Tenant Fee Ban #4871

                  Thanks for your input, Bruce. Sound very positive. This is exactly as I see should happen but you know what they say about money making the world go round… One point to add on this is that we used to do all check ins/outs for 3 branches of Barnard Marcus, they then decided to move all work over to another company (cant remember the name) that do all jobs for £60, I have since spoken to the property managers at these branches and they all complain how bad this company is but they are instructed by head office to use them. They admit it makes them look bad to their landlord clients, do they not see its false economy, if the agent produces a sub standard report (or his inventory company does) then their landlord client will likely go elsewhere next time he needs tenants; meaning the agent looses the landlords fee for the next ‘let’ which is a much larger loss than saving a few quid on an inventory. I suspect, like Dexter’s estate agents have done, that this other inventory company was set up by someone in Barnard Marcus head office.

                  in reply to: Tenant Fee Ban #4869

                    I have spoken to my agents and they have mixed views, similar to that of RKirwan above but the majority are just saying that the costs will be absorbed by the rents going up. In London its typical for the tenant to pay the in and the landlord to pay the out but sometimes the other way around.
                    From what i know it seems that the deposit schemes don’
                    t have a major preference for a third party inventory…but it’ll still need to be good otherwise they will just throw it out of a dispute.
                    I’m sure that many landlords and agents will see that the inventory is an integral part of the letting process but the fear is that they try to do it themselves or use a really cheap company, I have seen a few crop up recently but the reports are shockingly bad so my argument is whats the point in having an inventory done if it doesn’t protect the all parties involved!


                      I knew I’d heard that name before – we have never actually done any work for her but last month she contacted us to make a booking for a property in NW6, then messed us around for ages then decided that the tenants weren’t going to move in and cancelled it….seems as though she decided to go for your company instead though. Sounds like I dodged a bullet but what exactly is the problem?

                      in reply to: Company up For Sale #4509

                        Dear Niven-Chinasamy

                        Would you kindly send details over to please.

                        Kind regards

                        in reply to: PI/PL Insurance for clerks #3674

                          My insurance company is now saying they will insure clerks under my public liability but it works out at about 3x more expensive per clerk compared to me on my own because they are basically adding on employers liability too. for PI they are contacting my insurer for a quote (its a broker) – do you cover the clerks that do jobs for you for PI, I assume you would have to if they are self employed. Is this the same for Hiscox? If PI inst required/I’m not leaving myself vulnerable (an agent or LL would come after the company/me rather than the clerk) then I’ll just reimburse clerks to get their own PL insurance as it will work out cheaper and they more independent so may help with any HMRC discrepancy..

                          in reply to: Smoke Alarms #3663


                            I use one of these
                            although reading Stef’s post it seems I could get a cheaper option!

                            in reply to: PI/PL Insurance for clerks #3660

                              Thank you all very much for your comments.

                              in reply to: PI/PL Insurance for clerks #3646

                                Hello Joan,

                                Thanks very much for your reply.
                                OK I will contact my insurance company again – if they don’t cooperate I will find another insurance company.

                                I will definitely only be working with AIIC member clerks, I believe it was you who added a member for me previously and the clerk I am taking on next has trained with the AIIC so I am going to add them onto my membership if they are not already a member (meeting this afternoon).


                                  Hi David,
                                  Are you still looking to offload?


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