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  • in reply to: Why is AIIC advertising to estate agents? #7945

      OK, so I’m not overreacting, it doesn’t sit right with me either. The only benefit I get from the AIIC is being able to use their logo!

      in reply to: Corona virus #5711

        I’ve checked and cannot see any statement from the AIIC regarding the pandemic work procedures and precautions we should take.

        If they have made a statement I would be most grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.

        If no statement has been made about the pandemic I would be most disappointed that there is a sit back and wait attitude at the top.

        Some of us have vulnerable loved ones with underlying conditions and it would not be right to expose them, when a simple adjustment to the way we work could prevent any issues.

        We need answers and support from the AIIC not silence.

        If I have spoke out of turn and there is a statement then I stand corrected.

        in reply to: Corona virus #5708

          Yes please can we have a statement from the AIIC on the Coronavirus policy in view of Boris a Johnson’s latest announcement.


          in reply to: What car? #3023

            I bought a second car recently, as our main family car was very thirsty on the petrol and not ideal for stop start suburban driving between jobs. I bought a Toyota Yaris 1.2cc and it is virtually bullet proof. Very economic and saves me loads. I fill up every 9 days with constant driving.
            It’s not as sexy as a BMW but is nippy and toyotas just keep going and going

            in reply to: Are tenants obligated to use Agencies Clerk? #3003

              The clerks charges are probably inline with industry standards, however the agent adds their fees on top and then invoices the tenant one check out invoice

              in reply to: Are tenants obligated to use Agencies Clerk? #3000

                Thanks you. Is everyone in agreement with this as depending on the contract?

                in reply to: Check Out Disclaimer #2723

                  I’d be interested in this too. What is the acceptable length of time landlords have to come back with comments?

                  Thanks you

                  in reply to: Check out report question #2691

                    Thank you Stef.

                    Is the handwriting on the original document essential is what I’m getting at. Could your check out report still function as a stand along document to support the original inventory report used for the check out.

                    I know we all have little quirks and ways or doing things, I would like to know from a legal / official perspective?

                    Thanks Eden

                    in reply to: Check out report question #2687

                      Hi Bruce

                      Thank you for your reply.

                      To clarify you would rewrite the entire inventory report so you can add your comments, surely this must take long, and must be quite time consuming when trying to scale a business to take on more clients this would mean extra work.

                      I agree that a check out report is a different, therefore in my opinion shouldn’t be an issue. They did clarify thisw with the person who handles disputes and they said its fine to not comment directly into another companies report however they are asking me to do so which I find will take too much time.

                      I’m trying to strike a balance of having a family life, as I’ve been 24/7 on the road, and if i’m not in a property, i’m sitting infront of the computer. Meaning I have no time to spend with my kids, therefore I dictate my reports, and produced an app which once I’ve completed the check out at the property I can compile the report as opposed to going home and manually having to add pictures and edit the document.

                      I would be most grateful to hear from other clerks as to what is the standard process for check outs and using someone elses documents – do you also rewrite the inventory report so you can add comments at the check out, or follow a different procedure?

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