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  • in reply to: Check In Reports /Inventory Reports #7161

      I am with Rowley on this. How can you have a check in without a detailed inventory. It’s great for tenants who misbehave as there is no real evidence of condition so how do you charge for damages. Luckily I have not had this happen, but I would not be prepared to check tenants in without an inventory. It’s my name on the paperwork and I would end up taking the blame if things went pear shaped….uh uh that’s a hard nope from me. Let them crack on without you Karen. The Landlord will come a cropper the first bad tenancy and be sorry!

      in reply to: Is it just me????? #7142

        Thank you. That’s really helpful and I will bear this in mind going forward x thanks so much

        in reply to: Is it just me????? #7140

          Caroline- do you send the tenant the invoice directly? Is this allowed? Do they pay? What do you do if they don’t pay? Genuinely curious because there having differing views in this regard.

          in reply to: Is it just me????? #7137

            Thanks Caroline 🙂 I work in the same manner and yes, I refer back to Landlord and Agent when it becomes annoying and you have already reminded them you are independent and record what you see. Sometimes, just sometimes I would like not to be professional and courteous and just read them the riot act LOL

            Anyone else have some horror stories to share with us and amuse us whilst we are working this BH

            in reply to: Carpet cleaning #7096

              I use words like – “Whilst the carpets appear stain free, the clerk can see no evidence of a professional steam clean and no receipt has been submitted. Tenant to confirm with a receipt that the carpets have been cleaned. If a receipt cannot be provide, tenants can be charged for a carpet clean to return them to the same level and standard of cleaning as per check in”

              On a side note though, I thought it was no longer possible to charge tenants for professional cleaning if they had pets in the property as this is a fee and no fees allowed for tenants? Am I wrong?

              in reply to: Checking heating #7005

                It would be a big no for me too for all the reasons you have outlined. We are not property managers. The agents need to get off their bums and do their job not pass it along to you. What happens if you accidentally cause damage? Who would then pay? Nope!

                in reply to: Wheelchair Damage #6676

                  Hi – I think I would want apply A to the situation as the landlord would know he is taking on a disabled tenant and that wear and tear on skirting and door frames is obviously going to be higher. if I was doing the check out, I would put it down as wear and tear.

                  in reply to: Papernest #6625

                    I had the call. Had to say I was not interested as this is not something I would get involved in and then my cell rang…client call. I asked her politely to leave it there as I had to take the call. She talked over the top of me and would not let it go, so I had to growl and tell her I said no and then put the phone down on her. She them emailed me! I never respond well to sales calls. My office landline is only there to catch the spam calls. Why I picked up, I will never know. Not for me. We do enough already. Not taking this and doing more work for my agents! Never recommend anyone i have not used myself. Causes bad feelings if things go pear shaped!

                    in reply to: Android phone recommendation please #6604

                      hiya – according to a friend of mine, the new iphone 12 has a brilliant camera and she has swapped to only using her phone for pictures. Personally I don’t use a phone as I prefer a camera in my hand and I find the quality of pictures much better than any phone camera. I have a programme which reduces the size of the photos which makes it easy to fit them into an inventory and it helps save space on my hard drive – I take a ridiculous amount of photos at each job. I just prefer a camera but I have a iphone 12 and the pictures are not bad at all – for the days when you forget to put your camera in the briefcase – hahahahaha


                        I am with Rowley on this one. If I am not doing the check in, the onus is on whomever is to do the meter readings. I always, if possible prepare the inventory a day or two before the check in so I can report back any issues I notice. I will take a fresh set of photos which will include meters and smoke alarms on the day of check in – these get included in the final report

                        in reply to: Housekeeping #6446

                          I keep all my paper copies for 7 years and then get rid of them if I know the tenancies have ended. I keep all electronic copies, regardless of age. I have a separate hard drive for old inventories, check out and check in paperwork because you never know. I don’t get rid of anything electronic at all. I even have photos from properties I did back in the early noughties – because I am a “you never know” kinda gal

                          in reply to: Opening Windows #6379

                            I do not having had a badly fitted patio door come down on me when I opened it. My disclaimer clearly states I do not test doors and windows and this is the responsibility of the landlord/agent and tenant to test

                            in reply to: LL wanting compensation #6359

                              Rowley – really very good advice. I take back what I said earlier – don’t offer compensation. Gillian – that’s an excellent disclaimer. will have to tighten mine up I think

                              in reply to: LL wanting compensation #6355

                                If the landlord wants compensation, I would give it to him, but I would then expect to receive the router and all associated cords. In my opinion this benefits the property so if he want to keep it, that’s fine, but he cant also have 130 pounds in compensation. One or the other but not both. Greedy man!

                                in reply to: ARLA offers clerks to do Right to Rent checks #6210

                                  Quite. If Agents keep off loading their work, but won’t pay the additional cost, there is going to back lash on us all. I would not be happy to undertake yet more of the agents work without recompense

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