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  • in reply to: The future of inventories #6461

      Does anyone have experience of Inventory Base Workstreams? It seems to me that if it takes off it could undermine independent contractors…? I agree with Stef I think 360 cameras are a gimmick, nothing beats a written report and clear photos.

      in reply to: Managing Report Amendments #6354

        Ummh, cake and eat it time! From the picture it looks to me as though the router can be disconnected from the wall point, leaving just another telephone like socket on display, £130 is complete nonsense! how do they get to that figure? A landlord is only entitled to compensation if they can show a loss which as they want to keep it they can’t. As for the agent, £130 to keep a good customer happy is a very small price to pay, if you are on good terms offer to pay half… In my view you shouldn’t have to pay at all!

        in reply to: HMOs #6220

          Hi Stef, I don’t do a lot of HMO’s, I just focus on the space that the tenant has sole responsibility for ie their room, obviously cleaning and damage if I see something awful in the common areas I might add a side note that the kitchen is filthy etc, other than that, you don’t need to worry about meters etc, I would be pretty concerned about Covid at the moment, I’m finding younger tenants quite gung ho in their attitudes which annoys me until I get vaccinated!

          in reply to: Damage costing query on Check Out #6189

            Hi Debbie,
            He can’t charge new for old because of betterment, he is entitled to charge compensation 5x5mm sounds quite big also depends where it is on the worktop, he doesn’t have to change the worktop he is still entitled to compensation though for future cost of replacement. The decor door no charge at all, already chipped at check in indicates the finish was already defective. It doesn’t say much about your agent, this is their job not yours! Especially if yo didn’t do the check out!
            good luck with it!

            in reply to: Smoke alarms – do you provide them? #6158

              I sometimes think about it and then don’t! What happens if you damage paintwork or stick the damn thing in the wrong place, have you got a ladder with you? So no, also over the last 21 years I have seen agents demand more and more but this is never reflected in what we charge, frankly its bad enough having to test the damn things another managing agent responsibility.

              in reply to: Smoker #6124

                Open and shut, its the Landlords responsibility at 13 years the decoration is worn out as will be the carpets at this stage. You cannot charge for items that are worn out. In fact, at 13 years I’d be surprised if there is almost anything chargeable at all.

                in reply to: Dictionary/terminology #6072

                  Hi Matthew

                  I used to use abbreviations but switched to longhand by popular demand, here is my old table of abbreviations pretty standard fare…

                  BOD … … Burnt on deposits
                  CIS … … Cleaned in-situ.
                  CNFI … … Cluttered not fully inspected.
                  CWI … … Consistent with inventory
                  FM … … Finger marks
                  IU … … In use
                  LS … … Limescale deposits
                  LV … … Low voltage
                  MCU/A … … Marks consistent with use/age
                  MLL … … Mid & low level.
                  NFC … … Not freshly cleaned
                  NH … … Not hung
                  NI … … Not inspected
                  NS … … Not seen
                  NT … … Not tested
                  NW … … Not working
                  ODU … … Old defects under
                  POD … … Painted over defects
                  RC … … Requires cleaning
                  RFC … … Requires further cleaning
                  RFW … … Requires final wipe
                  TDTT Too dirty to touch (My favourite LOL!)
                  WIU … … Well in use

                  in reply to: Carpet Cleaning #6064

                    You are absolutely right Matthew, it doesn’t matter who cleans it as long as it is to the right standard, receipts are not necessary, it has always been one of the hardest things to teach when I train my Clerks, frankly if you need a receipt to tell you its clean, then you are in the wrong business, in my 21 years experience I would say 8 out 10 so called professional cleaners are quite simply useless, their receipts not worth the paper they are written on, that is why it is up to us to judge the standard.

                    in reply to: washing Machine filter #6004

                      As others have said, I have never checked one in 21 years, if the filter was blocked and causing water to back up into the drum and required a call out, I would have some sympathy but if it wasn’t affecting the operation of the machine… Just out of curiosity what figure does he have in mind and how did he calculate it…?

                      in reply to: Sorry – phone or tablet, again! #5960

                        Many thanks Bruce its very helpful of you! I certainly like IB it seems very well thought through, I’m just struggling to change my mindset after 21 years of dictating reports like a machine gun I am struggling to adapt to new habits! I will keep plugging away!
                        Do you have any thoughts on their workstream program?

                        All the best


                        in reply to: Key testing. #5954

                          Its total overkill in my view, and yet another cop out for the agent. I check all the main keys, photo of the bunch end of.

                          in reply to: Sorry – phone or tablet, again! #5953

                            Hi Stef very interested to hear about your journey to IB I am toying with it at the moment, I was thinking about Ipad mini but if you don’t like Apple I use a Microsoft Surface Pro which is excellent almost like having a full size desktop with you.
                            Also do you know anything about IB workstreams programme which seems to me designed to undercut Independent Clerks by persuading agents to book through them? just a thought anyway, I notice they are advertising Inventory courses and are CPD recognised but who taught them to be Inventory clerks?

                            in reply to: Late payments #5852

                              I wouldn’t say its normal, I’ve had it on a number of occasions, I put it down to agents desperate to hang on to every penny they can, but no they should pay you as normal, you’ve done the work and get paid regardless of the deposit outcome.

                              in reply to: Corona virus #5849

                                I can’t say I’ve seen anything official, I just told my clients apart from handing over keys the tenants cannot be present check in or out no exceptions, with check outs I’m trying to leave them 24/48 hours after the tenants have gone… Fully gelled and gloved up not worried about windows but ultra scrupulous about not touching face! I’ve worked right through without any complaints! most people have been very reasonable so far… No doubt that won’t last!

                                in reply to: Water blistered skirting #5836

                                  No brainer, the mastic has cracked and left a gap its aged/maintenance issue for the Landlord, perhaps the screen isn’t long enough to cover the affected area, besides water splashes over can’t be helped and from the look of things its one of those wooden panels that get warped in damp conditions. Besides if the landlord is managing it, they should work it out for themselves, its not our job to do their deposit returns.

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