Rowley Waters

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  • in reply to: Passport Photographic Evidence #3343
    Rowley Waters

      Hi Nicky,

      If it were my private landlord I would be politely suggesting that it is his/her responsibility to facilitate said photo for it is he/her who is likely to be responsible under the law, nothing whatsoever to do with the duty of an Inventory Clerk.

      Best, Rowley

      in reply to: AIIC – Strong & stable or on life support #3333
      Rowley Waters

        Thanks for publishing the 2017 AGM Minutes, the content of which I was hoping might clear my head by way of queries, unfortunately it has simply served to raise more and I must admit to being more confused than before, especially since Pat’s recent contribution announcing herself as ‘current chairman’.

        I, like all of us I’m sure, have business responsibilities and therefore restricted time for Forums, and I guess that also includes most of our administrators to whom I remain most grateful and appreciative of the additional work and effort they put in to the running of the AIIC.

        So please forgive me if I’m being daft, but when it was mentioned by Central Office earlier in this thread that there had been some ‘changes at Central Office and on the AIIC Committee’ (08/05/17 @ 7:36pm) I assumed that such changes would be highlighted in the AGM Minutes. However, the Minutes state that ‘all current Council Members were happy to stand again this year’, so I’m now thinking that the ‘Council’ and the ‘AIIC Committee’ are two separate bodies, something of which I was not previously aware. And then, to confuse me further, under Latest News ‘the Board’ is mentioned. Now is this ‘Board’ the same as the ‘Council’ as in the ‘Council Board’? Or is there another body?

        My brain still being somewhat fuddled and further to Pat Barber’s contribution at 9:02am this morning, I now see that Pat remains the current Chairman, but is she Chairman of the Council, the Council Board or the AIIC Committee? Because also under Latest News, Danny Zane and Emma Glencross are stated as having accepted the roles as joint chairs of our ‘organisation’ … does this refer to the Council, the Council Board or the AIIC Committee? So then of which body does Pat remain Chairman as I read that both she and Helen Bone had decided to stand down from their positions on the Committee (presumably meaning the AIIC Committee).

        Any help to clarify the levels and the members of admin within our organisation would be gratefully received and much appreciated by a rather confused Member but one who wishes all of those involved much goodwill and continued support in what seems to be rather difficult times.

        in reply to: So long and thanks for all the fish #3301
        Rowley Waters

          PS … may I ask you too please (I’ve asked Danny & Emma via another thread) … can the 2017 AGM Minutes be published? I’m hoping that sight of them might help us members understand more about the current situation and consequently be more appreciative of the issues with which you are having to, perhaps unexpectedly, deal.

          in reply to: So long and thanks for all the fish #3300
          Rowley Waters

            Thank you very much Joan for your ongoing efforts and for an appropriately comforting reply.

            Just for the record, when I access ‘Newsletter’ from the site menu I’m presented with a listing upto and including December 2016, nothing for 2017. And when I click on the link to a listed Newsletter I’m presented with a ‘can’t find the server’ message.

            But I’m guessing that you might be aware of this already and someone is working on it.



            in reply to: AIIC – Strong & stable or on life support #3298
            Rowley Waters

              I agree with Stef, transferring what it a very important topic for discussion to Facebook (or any other media for that matter) simply fragments and dilutes the issue of reliable communications which is, after all, what this website and its Forum is all about. This Forum is exactly the right, indeed the ONLY place to ensure that all AIIC members are aware of what is going on rather than the subject being restricted to those who are Facebook or Twitter users.

              (Danny & Emma) May I once again ask … where are the 2017 AGM Minutes please?

              in reply to: AIIC – Strong & stable or on life support #3270
              Rowley Waters

                Danny & Emma,

                Re my previous post, clearly the changes have come as a surprise to us members and your posts seem to suggest that you’re doing a bit of interim ‘fire-fighting’. Of course we are all on your side as we want the AIIC to progress, develop and build. May I respectfully suggest that it would help, both us and you, if you could kindly publish the 2017 AGM Minutes?

                Best, Rowley

                in reply to: AIIC – Strong & stable or on life support #3257
                Rowley Waters

                  It’s such a pity that we only hear about the changes AFTER they’ve taken place as we might have had a better opportunity to place on record our gratitude to Pat and Helen for their combined efforts in maintaining, and indeed improving, the standing of the AIIC over what seems to have been many years.

                  I do hope that this rather sudden and unexpected change of personnel is in all respects for positive personal reasons and assuming this to be the case I would like to wish Pat and Helen every success in whatever ventures they have respectively chosen to pursue. Just would have liked a bit more notice of execution.

                  in reply to: Check-out compensation #3218
                  Rowley Waters

                    What cost a new toilet seat/lid … £10-£15? Assuming the seat is a few years old, with FW&T the compensation amount is going to be no more than a fiver, if that.

                    As for the wall (and I’m guessing that you meant to write .. it would NOT be advantageous …), no way can the L/L claim for a complete wall repaint regardless of how ‘unique’ the colour may be. Once again, compensation amount minimal, even less if the wall hasn’t been repainted for several years.

                    But you don’t mention how long the tenant has been in occupancy (which might influence). In any event, if a landlord wants to pursue a tenant for what is likely to be not much more than a tenner then for the sake of everybody’s sanity I would advise against … or wonder why I’m dealing with him/her.

                    in reply to: Smoke alarm testing #3217
                    Rowley Waters

                      Like others, I’d be denying all responsibility on the grounds that the detector was clearly faulty which could not have been obvious without somebody testing it, it just happened that the person testing it turned out to be you.

                      A landlord once tried to charge me with the fitting of a new curtain rail when I attempted to draw the curtains and the entire fitment fell down. Not my fault. Not securely fitted. Not fit for purpose.

                      Useful disclaimer comment from Bruce, pity that our disclaimers need to take up almost as much space as the actual inventory!

                      in reply to: Are tenants obligated to use Agencies Clerk? #3004
                      Rowley Waters

                        As already responded, if the tenancy agreement states that the inventory clerk will be instructed by the agent then, unless otherwise negotiated, the tenant is unlikely to be able to dispute this nor will it be likely that any request for the original clerk to attend will be approved.

                        If the agent’s charges are disproportionate then they should be challenged through ARLA, but if the agent is not a member then there might be no recourse. If the tenant has signed an agreement with the agent that includes certain fees, including check-in, check-out and inventory costs, then, similarly, there may be no remedy as he/she/they will be obliged to abide by the wording.

                        So, as already suggested by Westcott Inventories, I would recommend that your tenant needs to refer to the wording of both agent and tenancy agreements to which, assuming they have been signed by both parties, they will consequently be committed.

                        Hope this helps.

                        Best, Rowley

                        in reply to: Discount requests #2977
                        Rowley Waters

                          Hi Stef, as your Q suggests, reacting to a request for a discount requires a degree of care and tact, especially when dealing with people who are even less likely to offer their clients discount (eg. Letting Agents!). I would be responding something like this …

                          “In setting my fee scales my aim is to remain both competitive and fair-minded to suit all agents and landlords. If I offer a discount to any one source then I’m showing favouritism which could be seen as inappropriate if I am to remain independent and impartial which, after all, are the fundamental principles of my profession.”

                          Be fair … but firm, hope it helps, Best, Rowley

                          in reply to: Mystery object #2967
                          Rowley Waters

                            As already suggested, there is a button on the base to be pushed which then sounds an alarm. Your image suggests that the system is not one that is linked to the Police or anything too sophisticated, the purpose of it is to frighten intruders. The key slot is used as a ‘reset’, so it would help if there was a key somewhere.

                            in reply to: How much for PI and PL #2924
                            Rowley Waters

                              I started with a quote from Hiscox and then researched less expensive ones for the same levels of cover but preferred the more personable and professional approach of Hiscox. So I returned to them, explained the position, and they were able to significantly reduce their original figures in a bid to match other quotes and secure my business.

                              As for level of cover, research suggests that £250,000 is the recommended minimum PI cover for a sole trader. If you run a Limited Company and/or employ people then the indemnity limit should probably be higher to cover the potentially increased risk. Hence Scott is paying more than Stef and Julie.

                              As for PL, it’s suggested that the basic cover should be £1m for a sole trader but if under a specific client contract you may be asked to increase this to £2m or even £5m. In any event, take advice from your Insurer and they should amend to suit your needs.

                            Viewing 13 posts - 226 through 238 (of 238 total)