Non Paying Agent

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    • #1249
      Central Office

        I am just about to start a small claims against an agent, who I know will be using another AIIC clerk as I have obviously refused to do any further work for them.

        Am I allowed to inform members of the AIIC who this agent is??

        They blantantly have the money paid from the Landlord (as advised by their office manager)And an ex-employee tells me this happens often with them! I wouldn’t like to see this happen to anyone else!

      • #1250
        Central Office

          I have recently had considerable success chasing long outstanding invoices by using a Credit Agency. For free or minimal charges they write fairly aggressive letters which seem to be effective. All you do is supply the invoice by email.

          Please be very careful about naming and shaming agents or anyone come to that on this forum!

          I think this subject needs to be discussed at the AGM, its usual for Central Office to send out an agenda nearer the time I think.

          We have had situations on the forum recently where members have made comments which has resulted in the council members having to seek legal advice.

          Although this forum is private and not accessed by the general public, information can still be passed on by members to outside parties.


          Rosemary, if you have details of how to deal with difficult payers perhaps you could write something for the newsletter as not all of our members use this forum

          I can appreciate that, hence me not naming them initially.

          Although the fact remains they are in serious arrears and will only use an AIIC member so someone else out there is going to go through the same thing. It is apparent I am not the 1st clerk thats taken them to court either!

          Its seems a shame that there is no way of helping one another out in these situations.

          The association does appreciate and understand how frustrating it is to have non payers, we are all inventory clerks, myself and the council members.

          BUT we have had some serious situations this year and I have to make sure that we all abide by the rules.

          If I can make a suggestion Georgina, that you indicate where this agent is based but obviously dont give an exact address and then other clerks who work in your area could PM you for the details of said agent and then they can decide whether to work for them or not. We just cant be saying names out loud, what is said in a private capacity cant be held against AIIC.

          Please do raise this issue with Central Office and ask for it to be put on the agenda for the AGM, I know its a few weeks away but the council normally meets before and if people can make suggestions on how we can create a “black list” without publicly treading on peoples toes I’m sure the council members will put their heads together and see if a system can be set up that works for everyone?

          Thanks Admin I will contact central office to add to agenda.

          So to anyone covering the Staines, Middlesex area please feel free to contact me if you have recently been approached by a new agent.

          re ‘naming & shaming’ in the Equity( actor’s union) magazine there is a page every issue listing agents, managements etc headed
          ‘ We do not advise members to work for the following’ ( I will get the exact wording when I get the next issue) This then obviously lists non payers without directly saying so. This column has been in operation for many years and as far as I know there has not been any legal kick backs. Agents listed are removed from the list when they have cleared any debts. I don’t see why AIIC could not do the same.
          Happy New Year everyone!! Lesley }

          Thanks Lesley,
          We do occassionally get emails from members about non payers. Fortunately not that many, which is not to say there aren’t a lot out there. Just that members dont complain to us.

          This sort of list has been propossed before, but we’ve been a bit wary of doing it. Ever since a company tried to sue AIIC for deformation of character for something that was posted on the formum we’ve been careful about what is said. They had to drop it against AIIC, but they did sue the member. Never heard the outcome of it before anyone asks, but it went on for nearly 2 years.

          If we could find a way of doing this in such a way as to protect AIIC, it might be a good idea.

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