The AIIC Service
By using the search services of the AIIC and employing one of our members you could avoid the many pitfalls that can be encountered if you were not to use an approved independent clerk.
Non-AIIC member clerks could display:
- a lack of awareness of legal implications
- limited knowledge of relevant Health & Safety acts
- an inability to recognise standards of fair wear and tear
- limited awareness of legislation and any changes to it
- failure to compile appropriate and comprehensive reports
- an inability to provide any protection to landlords or tenants
The AIIC is here to ensure that proper information and training is provided to all of its members to ensure the best possible service is provided.
The AIIC’s bank of highly skilled and efficient members will provide you with the level of service required for this vital aspect of property letting.
Please download a copy of our Code of Practice and Guidelines for Professional Practice
For further information contact us or search for your local AIIC member clerk now!