January Madness Strikes Again!

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    • #1244
      Central Office

        Trust our Chairman to lower the tone!!

        OK, so letting agents are still hung over from the festivities, that’s no excuse to forget to cancel check outs when the tenant has extended the tenancy. I have had far more or these time wasting trips this month – however my day was brightened this week when I knocked at a flat door, no answer so I just let myself in, as you do. When I met with a naked man coming down the stairs covering his bits with only a flannel it cheered me up no end. He even apologised, said he’d just get some clothes on and turned around to run back up the stairs – obviously forgetting that the flannel only covered his front bits and pieces! I was so amused I didn’t even charge the agent for a false call….. well a girl has to get her jollies somehow! Happy January everyone.

      • #1245
        Central Office

          Oh superb I bet that put a huge smile on your face! Now why does that never happen to me!

          I’ve had this happen a couple of times as well, only he was in bed with her having fun. I walked in and walked out very quickly. Mum was with me, (she worked for me) and didnt know where to put herself.

          Never happened to me Ive got to admit….

          Though my collegue had an encounter last week – he was asked by a vacating lady his oppinion on her all over body tan!>?

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