Clerk Directory

Please click on one of the alphabetical links below to view a listing of all inventory clerks beginning with that letter.

Clerks are displayed in a random order.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9

Yvonne Brothers T/A Able Inventory

Executive MemberYvonne Brothers


T: 07584 192031, M: 07584 192031Send an

Able Inventory is an established Independent family run business offering a highly professional and reliable Inventory, Check In, Check Out and Interim Inspection service. All Reports are turned around within a 24 hour period.
All services are provided using COVID secure software and working to safe guidelines including the facility to sign Reports online.

Yana Borovska

Yana Borovska clerk logo

Full MemberYana Borovska


T: 07908288507, M: 07908288507Send an Email

Details, focus, availability and reliability.

Specialising in both residential and commercial property I provide professional and detailed inventory/check in/check out/midterm reports.

Currently cover the whole of London and expanding area to Kent.

Feel free to email/message/call me for more details or any questions.

​I'll work with you to provide you with the best deal and result.